How to Use AI to Analyze Any Website

How to Use AI to Analyze Any Website?

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Hey there, web wizards! Feeling curious about what makes a website tick? Ever wished you could peek behind the curtain and see how your favorite sites function?

Well, buckle up, because we’re about to unlock the secrets of using AI to analyze any website, not just for strategy, but also to identify content that might benefit from a refresh!

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The Challenge: Can’t AI See the Website?

The internet is a vast ocean of information, but sometimes, even the most powerful AI tools struggle to navigate it directly. This doesn’t mean they can’t be helpful, though!

Imagine wanting to understand a website’s content strategy, but your AI assistant can’t seem to access it! This was the exact roadblock I hit when I wanted to analyze my website using AI.

The Solution: Getting Creative with Your Prompts

Here’s the ingenious hack: While AI might not be able to browse websites like us, it excels at analyzing information we provide.

So, we can use a clever workaround. Instead of asking for a direct analysis, we can guide Claude, our AI assistant, with strategic prompts and reference points.

In this blog post, I give the Claude as an example. The following prompts can be used with any AI assistant.

Note: While the conversation snippets with my AI assistant are based on real interactions, they’ve been edited for clarity and brevity to better illustrate the key points.

AI in Action: Claude Analyzes a Reference Website

Let’s use an example to illustrate this. Say I wanted to understand how a website like Tom’s Guide, which focuses on technology with a sprinkle of lifestyle content, uses its content strategy. Here’s how the conversation with Claude unfolded:

Me: Claude, how can you analyze a website’s content strategy if you can’t access it directly?

Claude: That’s a good question. I can’t directly access websites, but I can analyze information you provide. Tell me more about the website you’re interested in.

Me: Great! Let’s look at Tom’s Guide ( Their main focus is technology, but they also have some lifestyle articles.

Claude: Interesting. I can definitely analyze their content strategy based on what you tell me. From what I know, Tom’s Guide is a website focused on providing technology news, reviews, how-to advice, and buying guides. While their core content is tech-related, they do have some articles on non-tech topics like movie recommendations and even articles about household pests.

Me: Exactly! That’s what I noticed too. So, how does this off-topic content work? Doesn’t it hurt their website niche?

Claude: You make a fair observation. While Tom’s Guide is primarily focused on technology, it does have some content that extends beyond tech. However, I don’t believe this small amount of non-tech content negatively affects their standing as a website focused on the technology niche. Here’s why:

  • The vast majority of content on Tom’s Guide is related to technology products, news, and reviews. Think 90% or more!
  • The non-tech articles are often loosely tied to tech interests, like movie streaming recommendations.
  • Having a small handful of articles that appeal to general interests can help attract a wider audience.
  • These non-core articles likely perform well in search engines for certain keywords.
  • Expanding into some non-tech content allows them to better monetize different advertiser categories.

Overall, having a very small percentage of content beyond tech likely does not dilute their brand as a technology website. It’s a strategy to attract wider viewership while still maintaining their core focus on serving the tech product niche.

Remember: this technique of using a reference website and prompting your AI assistant can be applied to any AI tool you choose.

Using Claude to Analyze My Website

With this foundation set, I asked the question I’d been waiting for:

Me: Claude, that analysis of Tom’s Guide was fantastic! Now, could you take a look at my website,, and analyze my content strategy? Is it similar to Tom’s Guide, and if not, how can I improve it?

Claude: Absolutely! After reviewing your website,, I do not believe you employ the same broad content strategy as Tom’s Guide. Here are some key differences I notice:

  • Your website is focused entirely on a single niche – digital marketing.
  • In contrast to Tom’s Guide’s broader approach, your site has a narrower niche focus.
  • Your content seems to be 100% original tutorials and articles.
  • You take more of an educational focus by providing in-depth tutorials.

Claude’s Advice for My Website Strategy

Claude then offered some suggestions to improve my website’s content strategy:

  • Consider expanding into closely related topics that complement digital marketing.
  • Integrate affiliate links to relevant products and services.
  • Build a community component like discussion forums to foster engagement.

Overall, Claude pointed out that my website has a sharper niche focus compared to Tom’s Guide. This focus, he suggested, is actually a strength, allowing me to establish myself as a digital marketing authority. However, Claude also offered some suggestions for improvement:

  • Expanding Content: Consider expanding into closely related topics that complement digital marketing. This could include website design, SEO strategies, or social media marketing tactics. By offering a broader range of content within your niche, you can attract a wider audience while still maintaining your core focus.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Integrate affiliate links to relevant products and services that your audience might find valuable. For example, you could recommend email marketing platforms, website analytics tools, or other resources that complement your digital marketing content. Just be sure to disclose any affiliate relationships transparently.
  • Building Community: Build a community component on your website, such as discussion forums or comment sections. This fosters engagement with your audience and allows them to connect with each other. A thriving community can become a valuable asset for your website.

Claude’s insights resonated with me. My website’s laser focus on digital marketing could be a strength, but I also recognized the value of expanding my content and building a community.

However, a bigger question loomed: how to integrate my recently published book on holistic cancer healing into this established website strategy?

Balancing Passions and Website Focus

As a digital marketer, affiliate marketer, lecturer, and now a published author, I wanted to represent all these aspects on my website. But how could I do this without confusing my audience or diluting my brand identity? Here’s where Claude’s analysis proved invaluable:

Me: Claude, what about my book on holistic cancer healing? Should I feature it prominently on my website alongside my digital marketing content?

Claude: Based on the additional context you’ve provided, I would not recommend featuring your book so prominently on your established website that has been focused on digital marketing, affiliate marketing, and lecturing for many years. Here are a few reasons why:

  • It could dilute your website’s long-standing brand identity as an authority site for digital marketing.
  • Featuring off-topic content like your personal cancer journey book is likely to confuse visitors and subscribers who come expecting digital marketing expertise.
  • Search engines might get confused signals about your core focus area if you suddenly shift to heavily promoting unrelated content.

Claude’s analysis made perfect sense. My website had a strong reputation for digital marketing content, and introducing a book on a completely different topic could disrupt that.

Finding the Right Balance

Claude’s analysis made perfect sense. So, how could I integrate my book without derailing my website’s established focus?

Me: That makes sense, Claude. But managing another website just for my book feels overwhelming. What if my writing career grows? Should I eventually shift my website’s focus to become an author platform?

Claude: You raise a good point. If your writing career and readership grow significantly over time, it may make sense to eventually transition your website’s primary focus to your authorship rather than your current digital marketing focus. However, there are a few factors to consider before making this leap:

  • Monitor website traffic and engagement: Track how visitors respond to your writing-focused posts over the next 6-12 months. See if they resonate with your audience.
  • SEO and domain authority: Assess whether your website’s SEO and domain authority would benefit more by focusing on writing keywords rather than marketing topics.
  • Building a separate author platform: Consider creating a dedicated author website on a new domain. Once established, you can gradually transition website traffic through redirects.
  • Potential audience loss: Be prepared that some readers from your digital marketing niche might not be interested in your writing. You’ll need to work on replacing them with a new audience.

The key takeaway here is to continue building your writing audience both on and off your website. Regularly assess whether audience growth justifies fully evolving your web presence into a Timotheus Lee author website.

My Website Strategy Moving Forward

After dissecting Claude’s advice, I made my decision. Given my continued focus on writing books, I’ll feature them on my website, but subtly. Social media will be my primary channel for promoting my books directly to my audience.

My website will continue to be a haven for advanced digital marketing content. In the future, if my writing career truly takes flight, I might consider a dedicated author website.

How to Use AI to Analyze Any Website?

Timotheus Final Thoughts

This experience taught me the power of AI as a website analysis tool, but remember, AI is a collaborator, not a magician. Use the insights it provides, but don’t blindly follow every suggestion. Analyze the advice, consider your goals, and craft a website strategy that works best for you.

Here’s your action plan:

  1. Borrow the Prompts: Use the prompts from my conversation with Claude as a springboard to analyze your website’s content strategy using a similar reference website.
  2. Think Critically: Don’t rely solely on AI. Analyze the suggestions and tailor them to your specific needs, including identifying outdated content that might benefit from a refresh.
  3. Craft Your Strategy: Based on the insights you’ve gathered and your website goals, develop a winning website strategy.

Keen to learn more about AI and useful prompts? Here’s a platform that teaches you the latest lessons on AI. I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate. It comes with step-by-step comprehensive training on how to start and grow an online business, useful business tools and the latest AI tools.

Disclosure: Some links here are affiliate links. I get a commission if you buy, but you don’t pay extra. This supports my blog and lets me share quality content. Thanks!

Remember, your website is a dynamic reflection of your brand. By leveraging AI and your strategic thinking, you can unlock its secrets and create a website that captivates your audience and fuels your online success.

Now go forth and conquer the digital world with the power of AI by your side!

If you have ANY questions, or anything to clarify, please drop a comment below. I will be happy to help you.

I wish everyone good heath, wealth, and success!

Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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