Hitting a Wall - Why Taking a Break Boosted My Productivity (and Sales)

Hitting a Wall? Taking a Break Boosted My Productivity and Sales!

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Let me tell you, after all the celebrating for Chinese New Year, I was chomping at the bit to get back to working on my websites. I did manage to knuckle down on some planning and scheduling content, plus made sure all my affiliate offers were lined up on both sites.

But then yesterday, I just hit a wall. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t muster up the motivation to do anything.

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Unexpected Opportunity Knocks

Speaking of motivation, guess what? The day before, a merchant contacted me out of the blue, offering me the chance to promote his product.

I was ecstatic! Another affiliate product to add to the mix and potentially earn even more.

I had a whole schedule mapped out for that day, and the plan was to crack on with it the next day (which, of course, was yesterday).

But when I woke up, the thought of work just felt…ugh.

Still, I pushed myself to at least spend an hour learning more about the product.

And you know what? It actually turned out to be pretty good – it’s getting a lot of buzz right now, so the earning potential is definitely there.

Taking a Break Leads to Unexpected Connections

Even after that hour of research, though, I just wasn’t feeling it.

So, I took a break. Curled up on the sofa and scrolled through TikTok for a while.

I mostly skipped through the videos, but a few things caught my eye – stuff about manifestation, meditation, motivation, and even some finance tips.

Then, out of the blue, I got a message from an old friend on WhatsApp. We ended up chatting for a bit, and somehow the conversation turned to this herbal tea I used to help me recover from cancer.

As it happens, she’s got high cholesterol, and believe it or not, this same tea apparently helps with that too!

So, even though I wasn’t planning on doing any work that day, I ended up with a sales lead – hopefully, that’ll translate into some sales and commission for me!

Small Victories and Big Rest

In total, that day, I managed two things: some research on the affiliate product I mentioned earlier, and sorting out a bit of an issue I was having with my ClickBank account (had to write to their support for help). Oh, and while I was chatting with my friend about the herbal tea, I realized I didn’t have an affiliate link for the merchant’s main landing page. So I grabbed that and sent it over to her.

Honestly, taking that break was exactly what I needed. I spent most of the day chilling out, and even did some meditation.

And you know what? I’m so glad I did.

If I’d forced myself to write a blog post or record a YouTube video, I know I would’ve been completely unproductive. The content would have been rubbish!

Hitting a Wall? Taking a Break Boosted My Productivity and Sales!

Timotheus Final Thoughts

After the break, I feel amazing, and I’m totally ready to dive back in.

I’m going to do some more research on that affiliate product and start writing a review, as well as coming up with a plan for how to promote it. Feeling energised and ready to smash some goals for my online businesses!

Here’s the thing: listening to your body and taking a break when you need it is crucial. Pushing yourself when you’re burnt out is a recipe for low-quality work and frustration.

Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is step away and recharge.

So next time you’re feeling like I did, don’t be afraid to hit the pause button.

Take a walk, read a book, meditate – do whatever helps you unwind.

You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel, and how much more you can accomplish when you come back refreshed.

So, how about you? How’s your week been going so far? Are you making good progress with your own ventures?

Ready to start your online business? Or would like to level up your business? Check out Wealthy Affiliate. Click image below now!

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If you have ANY questions, or anything to clarify, please drop a comment below. I will be happy to help you.

I wish everyone good heath, wealth, and success!

Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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