Wealthy Affiliate - An Honest Review 2023

Wealthy Affiliate – An Honest Review 2023

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Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate asks – Do You Want to Turn Your Passion into a Thriving Online Business?

That is the question asked on Wealthy Affiliate home page. And they mean online business. Not just Affiliate Marketing. And if your answer is yes, then you should consider joining Wealthy Affiliate.

I was just like you. Years ago, I was considering whether to join Wealthy Affiliate or not.

Was it really a good program? Could you really learn, start and grow an online business based on the training provided there?

Today, let me tell you all about my experience with Wealthy Affiliate as I do this review blog post titled Wealthy Affiliate – An Honest Review 2023.

Wealthy Affiliate Home Page

Would you like to learn how to start and grow an affiliate marketing business? Join my I Love Passive Income community for more tips and useful business information. Simply fill in the details below, and you will receive an email with instructions on how to join this invaluable community.

Watch: Wealthy Affiliate – An Honest Review 2023

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Wealthy Affiliate – An Honest Review 2023 – The Overview

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Owner: Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim

Website URL: www.wealthyaffiliate.com


  • Premium – Monthly – $49 per month, $588 per year, You Get Discounted Price – $497 per year when you use This Link.
  • Premium Plus – Monthly – $99 per month, $1,188 per year, You Get Discounted Price – $697 per year when you use This Link.

Wealthy Affiliate – An Honest Review 2023

Review Author Name: Timotheus



Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent training platform for anyone who desires to turn their passion into a thriving online business. Includes business and marketing tools to help you succeed.


My Past Experience with Online Businesses

I joined this platform in December 2016. Before 2016, I was a digital marketer, and I helped other people’s businesses make millions of dollars.

One day, I decided enough is enough.

All my hard work, and I only earned a monthly salary while the business owners I worked for earned millions. On top of that, some were nasty, and gave me a hard time.

So, I decided to start an online business, and use my digital marketing skills to grow the business. And make money online for myself.

After trying private label eCommerce business, Dropshipping, FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon), and a few other businesses, I decided to do Affiliate Marketing.

I was sure that it was the type of business I would like to do. I liked the idea of creating a blog, and making money online from it. Only problem was I had no idea how to do affiliate marketing.

I tried learning from a few programs. But there was little success. Some of those programs were even scams.

Then I came across Wealthy Affiliate. I did my due diligence and researched about this training program.

It was all good. Plus, the price was very reasonable.

So, I paid for Premium membership, and gave this training program a try.

How has it been so far? And what is my honest opinion of Wealthy Affiliate?

Please read on to find out.

What is Wealthy Affiliate All About?

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that provides training and support for people who would like to learn how to start and grow and online business.

It can be any type of online business. Not just affiliate marketing. For example, eCommerce or a blog.

One of the ways they teach to earn money from your online business is through Affiliate Marketing. And they have a special training program to help you to be an affiliate marketer.

The special training is called Affiliate Bootcamp.

They also teach many other ways to make money from your website.

Wealthy Affiliate also teaches you how to promote your online business. They teach social media marketing, email marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), online advertising and more.

For someone new to the online business, all this training is very helpful.

For the experienced online entrepreneur or digital marketer, there is training to keep you updated on the latest trends and strategies.

There are also tools to help you build and grow beautiful profit ready websites.

You do not need design skills.

You do not need technical skills.

The training and the tools will teach you how to create and grow a business website.

They also provide really good and secure hosting to host your website. This is a really big plus because you can save money on web hosting services.

There are more tools and benefits when you join Wealthy Affiliate.

Read on to find out what they are.

Who Are The Owners of Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is co-owned by Kyle and Carson. Both have more than 15 years of affiliate marketing experience.

They are very involved in the business, and actually do respond and engage with the members.

Who Is the Wealthy Affiliate For?

Wealthy Affiliate is ideal for people who are:

  • Interested to be an online entrepreneur, and would like to learn how to start an online business and successfully make money online
  • Already an online entrepreneur and want to learn digital marketing to grow business such that sales and revenue will increase
  • If you are interested to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing, this is the course for you, too

It is also ideal for those who are interested to learn about digital marketing:

  • New to digital marketing, and would like to learn it
  • Would like to have a career as a digital marketer
  • Already a digital marketer and would like to improve as well as be updated on the latest digital marketing strategies

What Are The Prerequisites of the Wealthy Affiliate?

You will need all of the following:

  • A computer or laptop
  • Internet access

As you can see the entry barrier is low.

And you should know that you do not need to be someone very good at technology or technical stuff.

Should you encounter any technical issues, the Wealthy Affiliate Community is ready to assist you.

What Are the Memberships & Prices for Wealthy Affiliate?

Free Starter Membership

As the name says, it is free. Go for it!

You can join the Free Starter Membership with just your email. No credit card needed for this Free Starter Membership.

There is some free training as well as really powerful tools and features to help you do digital marketing for your online business.

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

And Don’t Forget
When You Join (using the button above plus you become Premium or Premium Plus Member), I Will Be Your Mentor!

Bonus for all who sign up under Timotheus


When you join the above program, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

Premium Membership

Monthly – $49 per month

Yearly – $588 per year, You Get Discounted Price – $497 per year When You Use This Link.

When you upgrade from Starter membership, you get 1 Free Domain.

Premium Plus Membership

Monthly – $99 per month

Yearly – $1,188 per year. You Get Discounted Price – $697 per year When You Use This Link.

When you upgrade from Starter membership, you get 2 Free Domain.

3 Essential Things You Need to Succeed with An Online Business

Knowledge – Tools – Expert Help/Support

When you create an online business, you need to have THREE things.

And they are Knowledge, Tools, and Expert Help/Support.

You can get instant access to ALL these THREE things when you sign up at Wealthy Affiliate.


You get training on how to start and grow an online business.

Especially an affiliate marketing business.

I will discuss this further in this article.


Wealthy Affiliate has many tools to help you grow your online business.

For example, they have a website builder to help you build and grow your website.

And a keyword research tool to help you find keywords that can send your web pages to the first pages of search results.

These tools can help you drive traffic to your website.

With huge volume of visitors, you can convert them into customers.

Expert Help and Support

The support provided at Wealthy Affiliate is superb.

And there are many ways to get help and support.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can get all these three essential things to help you succeed with your online business.

I will elaborate more on these now.

How to Join Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership?

Before we discuss about the training, features and tools at Wealthy Affiliate, let us discuss how to join Wealthy Affiliate as a Free Starter Member.

First, you need to click on the ‘Get It Now!’ button shown in the box below.

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

You will arrive at the home page of Wealthy Affiliate.

It should look like the image shown below.

Wealthy Affiliate Home Page

Click on the Start Your Free Trial Now!

You will land on the next page that is shown in the image below.

Wealthy Affiliate Sign Up Page

Next, you enter your name and email address.

And choose a username as well as add your preferred password.

Then click on the Start Your Free Trial button.

You will gain access to Wealthy Affiliate.

You should also receive a welcome message from me as well as from Kyle.

Wealthy Affiliate Dashboard

After you have joined Wealthy Affiliate, you will come to their dashboard.

It looks like what you see in the image below.

Please note that the dashboard for Starter is different. It will have fewer menu options that are accessible.

I will be going through the dashboard as a Premium member. So, what you will see and hear from now in this video will be what is available for the Premium member.

The main menu options are at the top. There are links to training, features and tools at Wealthy Affiliate that can help you start and grow your online business.

On the left, you get some quick links to these, too. They also have quick links to popular or new topics.

In the middle is a news feed showing the latest posts on Wealthy Affiliate. It is a bit like Facebook news feed where you see updates from other members.

On the right is the Live Chat that is going on right now. The Live Chat is where members can meet other members. Most times, it is used for asking for help with anything regarding your online business.

Now, let us dive deeper into the platform and start with the Training at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Training

So, as I mentioned earlier, one of the three essential things that you need to succeed with your online business is knowledge. At Wealthy Affiliate, you can get that from the training provided.

There are two core training.

One is the Online Entrepreneur Certification course. And the other is the Affiliate Bootcamp.

When you click on the Training option, you can see a drop down menu that gives you access to these courses.

Plus, there are links to My Training Activity, Training HQ and Classrooms.

Online Entrepreneur Certification

The Online Entrepreneur Certification course is designed with five levels. Some levels have 5 lessons. Some have 15. And some have 10 lessons.

In all, there are 50 lessons.

Here are the lessons for each level:

Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started – Level 1
Online Entrepreneur Certification – Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website – Level 2
Online Entrepreneur Certification – Making Money – Level 3
Online Entrepreneur Certification – Mastering Social Engagement – Level 4
Online Entrepreneur Certification – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation – Level 5

This is a very good course to learn about how to create and grow an online business in any niche you want.

I know there are some people who say that Wealthy Affiliate is just teaching students how to promote Wealthy Affiliate.

It is actually not true.

I have done this training. And I can tell you that this training teaches you how to do an online business.

Not just affiliate marketing online business. It can be for any online business. And the lessons teach you to do it for any niche.

Let us say you are interested in the health niche or the technology niche or the entertainment niche. You can learn how to do an online business for any of these niches, and more. You do not need to promote Wealthy Affiliate.

Just go through this training. It will teach you how to get started. Also, how to choose your niche, how to choose a business direction, and then how to create your own website. Plus, how to drive traffic to it using SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

And if you are interested in affiliate marketing, there are lessons on how to make money by finding affiliate programs, and be an affiliate. Then, you promote their products and earn commissions.

The course also teaches you how to promote your business using social media. And also, by creating good quality content.

Affiliate Bootcamp

If you are interested to do affiliate marketing, there is the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

It contains seven levels. The levels are also called Phases. Some levels have 5 lessons. Some have 15. And some have 10 lessons.

In all, there is a total of 70 lessons.

Some of the lessons you may find is a repeat from the Online Entrepreneur Certification course. But here, you can actually learn more.

Here are the lessons for each level:

WA Affiliate Bootcamp – Getting Your Business Rolling – Phase 1
WA Affiliate Bootcamp – Content Keywords and Conversions – Phase 2
WA Affiliate Bootcamp – Giving Your Site Social Value – Phase 3
WA Affiliate Bootcamp – Get Visual, Get Aesthetic, Get a Brand Through Media – Phase 4
WA Affiliate Bootcamp – Knowing Your Audiences Catapulting Your Referrals – Phase 5
WA Affiliate Bootcamp – Bing, Yahoo The Power of PPC – Phase 6
WA Affiliate Bootcamp – How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns – Phase 7

This core training is designed towards helping those who want to choose to promote wealthy affiliate.

And yet, you can actually go through the lessons, and still use the knowledge too for whatever niche you wish to promote.

Actually, this was what I did when I first joined Wealthy Affiliate. The first niche I did was the travel niche. And I still went through the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

I found it to be very useful, and applicable for my travel niche. I got to learn things like more about keywords research, finding the best keyword to get ranked high on search results, plus more social media information and knowledge.

There were lessons on how to create really aesthetic website with themes with good designs, and with pictures and videos. Visual marketing is the trend now. So, this is a very good lesson to learn.

There are also lessons on how to get referrals.

And here in this core training, you actually get to learn about promoting through paid campaigns, such as Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and so forth. You will also learn how to scale these paid campaigns.

My Training Activity

In the My Training Activity, you can find all the past training that you have done.

This is useful when you may like to revise a certain topic.

Training HQ

The Training HQ is the section where you can find any course, class, training or tutorial. And you can search for a specific topic.

For example, if you are interested to get training on how to do business with Amazon, you can enter the keyword, Amazon, and get a list of all the training related to this topic.

List of Training related to the topic of ‘Amazon’
This is just a screen shot of 6 of the long list of training


The Classrooms option brings you to Training HQ too. But the focus is on all the courses, tutorials and webinars available.

The courses are clustered into main topics that is called a Classroom.

For example, there is a classroom with 4 courses, 27 tutorials and 8 webinars in the Classroom titled ‘Social Engagement & Marketing’.

Classroom titled ‘Social Engagement & Marketing’ (red box)


As you do the training, you will find that you will need to have a website for your online business.

The Websites option has tools that can help you build and grow your website.

The Site Builder tool helps you to build your website, and the Site Content tool helps you to grow it.

When I say grow your website, what I mean is that Site Content can help you write and add content to your website.

This important for your website as it can help you get ranked on search results.

There is also the Site Support that can get expert help and support in case you need it.

Websites option has many features and tools to help you build and grow your business website

You Can Save Money!

The other thing to know is that you can host your website at Wealthy Affiliate. This will save you some web hosting costs.

So, instead of paying additional web hosting costs, you know like from web hosting providers like SiteGround or BlueHost, you can choose to host your website at Wealthy Affiliate.

There is no additional cost.

It is included in your membership.

Expert Classes

In this section, you will find all the live expert classes that were delivered at Wealthy Affiliate. Every week, there are live classes delivered by experts added to this section.

As a Premium and Premium Plus member, you can attend and gain more useful knowledge to help you succeed with your online business.

These live expert classes are added training and updated knowledge on online business and digital marketing topics such as Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Video Marketing and more.

After you have completed the core training, that is Online Entrepreneur Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp, here is where you get to gain more advanced level knowledge.

You may have come across web pages or reviewers who claim that the training at Wealthy Affiliate is outdated. Or they do not teach subjects like Email Marketing or Video Marketing.

As you can see, it is not true.

The core training teaches you the basics to get you started on building and growing your website.

As you continue, you can find more training on all these topics to help you succeed with your online business.

It is all available here in the Classes section.


One of the challenges I had in the past is to get my web pages ranked on the 1st pages of search results. And to achieve that, I needed a powerful keyword tool to find keywords that can help me do that.

I did research on keyword tools for many years. And I finally found one that can really help me. And I believe it can help you.

This is a very useful and powerful online business tool at Wealthy Affiliate. It is one that I used many times to get my web pages ranked on first pages of search results.

When you click on the option – Research, you see a drop down menu of the options available to help you with keyword research.

Research menu and drop down list of features and tools

You get Keyword Research, which is the main thing I am talking about. And it is really helpful and useful.

You can use it to find keywords to use for your content.

You can use it to get your website and web pages ranked high on search results.

You can also use it for your online ads.

When I enter a keyword, this tool will actually tell me how much traffic it gets.

I can even see how many competitors I have for that keyword, and whether this keyword has good SEO potential.

There are a lot of other tools here like Alphabet Soup, Site Rank, Brainstorm, and so forth.

When you join Wealthy Affiliate, please do learn how to use this valuable tool. And use it to get your website and web pages on the first pages of search results.

When your website and web pages reach the first page of search results, you get lots of traffic. With a lot of traffic, you have the opportunity to convert all visitors into customers. And that will result in increased sales and revenue.

I have a blog post with more info and details on this powerful keyword tool.

The Jaaxy Keyword Tool Review - It's Truly Awesome
The Jaaxy Keyword Tool Review – It’s Truly Awesome
Click image to read blog post about this powerful keyword tool

Besides Keyword Research, you can use Site Rank to see where your website is ranking on search engines.

You can also create Keyword Lists to keep track of the keywords you are using. Plus, you may need it for your online ads.

The Alphabet Soup option can help you find thousands of variations of the keywords you are using. This is helpful when you need to write more than one blog post on the same topic.

Then there is the Search Engine Analysis tool that can help you research and spy on your competitor’s ranking data.

You can use this to help you plan and strategize on how to rank higher than your competitors.

And for those of you who are searching for profitable niches, there is the Niche Trends option that can help you find and track trending niches for your business.


If your online business is affiliate marketing, then you will love this business tool. It can help you find good quality brands and products to promote and earn commissions.

There are so many products out there on the internet. So many brands, too.

It is often hard to know where to find all the affiliate programs. And which ones are good to be a part of.

Wealthy Affiliate makes your search much easier with this search program that can help you find the right affiliate program for your niche.

This can really help you make money through affiliate marketing.

The Affiliate Program Search Tool

All you have got to do is just key in the search bar a keyword for your niche. A suitable list of affiliate programs will appear.

You can click on those that you are interested in. You will get more details about that program.

With the information provided, you can make an informed decision on whether to join the affiliate program or not.

For example, I choose Garden as the niche to search for.

Some of the affiliate programs related to Garden niche found using the Affiliate Program Search tool
Many more than seen in this cropped screen shot

And each listing gives you information such as where to join the affiliate program, how much commission you will earn, and even reviews from members to tell you if that program is a good or bad one.

Do mouse over the affiliate program you are interested in and click on Program Details for more info. You will get more detailed information about that particular affiliate program.

And, if you are interested, there is a Join this Program option for easy access.


The Publish option is a quick link to the Site Content option of the Websites section.

Here, you have tools to help you write blog posts for your website.

There are templates to help you write standard content.

And you can create a template if you have a standard format for your blog posts.

Help Center

When I first started and attempted to do online businesses, I found that many other programs lack good support.

Even more lacking is access to expert help.

When you are new, or even experienced, any time you are stuck or need guidance, it is very invaluable to get help and support.

Especially valued is help from someone who has experience and expertise.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you get expert help and support.

This is one of the three essential things I mentioned earlier that you need to help you succeed with your online business.

At Wealthy Affiliate, there are multiple ways to get help and support.

When you need help and support you just click the help button and as you can see there are many ways right multiple ways for you to seek help.

Site Support

Whenever you need any technical support, you can just click on the Help option, and then the Site Support button.

You can then submit a ticket to get help from the Support team.

The support team is superb.

They can help you with any website issues or any technical issues with Wealthy Affiliate. And the respond time is fast.

I usually get answers within the hour.

Live Chat

Then, there is the Live Chat. It is available 24 hours a day, and seven days a week.

Any time, you need urgent answers, you can go to this Live Chat, and seek help.

There will always be people in the chat room, and ready to assist you.

Ask A Question

The Ask A Question option is a really good one.

If you are not in a hurry, and you are willing to wait a few hours to get answers or clarifications, this is a brilliant option.

I have used this so many times, you know. I simply type a title to my question. Then I type my question. And submit it.

Soon enough, the Wealthy Affiliate community will provide answers.

Most times, it can even be within the hour.

Private Message

Then, of course, there is the Private Message option.

This is when you need to write to people, and need to ask them for help or you need to just get some advice.

I have often used this private message option to contact Carson and Kyle. And even the lead trainer, Jay. And I tell you they are always accessible.

They will do their best to reply to you, to help you and to guide you.

Now, isn’t that fantastic to be able to get access to the experts and founders of Wealthy Affiliate?

People who have more than 15 years affiliate marketing experience?

This is truly invaluable.

On top of this, remember that when you join as a Premium member using my link, I will be your mentor.

I have almost 30 years digital marketing and online business experience. And I will be most happy to help you succeed.


The Search tool at Wealthy Affiliate is a very powerful tool.

Any time I need information about a business or digital marketing topic, I just type in a keyword or two. And I get a list of search results to pages that will provide me the answers.

For example, if I would like to find all the Email Marketing training and information at Wealthy Affiliate, I simply type the keywords – Email Marketing.

The search will give a long list of pages related to that search.

Live Chat

I’ve mentioned about the Live Chat. It is also an option in the Help option.

It is truly a great tool that is very helpful.

Simply pop in to the Live Chat. Ask about any issue you may have with your online business. Or questions to clarify anything related to it.

And the people in the Live Chat will help you.

Usually, there is at least one or two who are very experienced in online business. And they will share their gems of knowledge with you.

Quick Actions

Quick Actions has options to help you do things at Wealthy Affiliate.

There is the option to write a blog post, create training or write an article at Wealthy Affiliate.

Why would you do that?

Well, one thing to know is that Wealthy Affiliate has high authority. And their pages do appear on the first pages of search results.

I had one training that I did that ranked on first page of search results.

Because of that one training page that ranked well, I get a lot of referrals. And when they convert to members, I get affiliate commissions.

The Quick Actions also has options to Build Your Website and to Find a Domain for your business.

Affiliate Program

The Affiliate Program option is for those who opt to be an affiliate for Wealthy Affiliate.

They have tools to help you promote and manage your affiliate details.

You can find your affiliate link in the Details option. Plus, you can see how much you can earn from being an affiliate for Wealthy Affiliate.


You can keep track of tasks related to your being an affiliate.

For example, they can update you when you get a new referral.

And when the referral does an update, for example stating his goals, this tool will update you and recommend you engage with your referral about this.


The Stats tool helps you to keep track of your marketing efforts.

It provides information and charts about the number of clicks on your affiliate links, the number of referrals and the sales you are getting.


The Referrals option helps you keep track of your referrals.

All your referrals are listed here.


Messages is where you can create a campaign and send messages to your referrals.

It is like an email campaign but done with messages sent on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

You can create a Welcome message and follow up messages.

These messages can be very helpful at guiding new referrals on how to best use the training, features and tools at Wealthy Affiliate.


Training leads you back to the Affiliate Bootcamp.

This is a direct link in case you need to complete the course or would like to revise a specific topic in that course.


Tracking helps you to keep track of your affiliate links and see statistics on how they are doing.

You can also Create a Custom Link.

This is useful when you have an affiliate on your website that you would like to keep track of.

This option also does Comparison Tables.

This is very useful when you would like to show how Wealthy Affiliate compares to other training platforms.


Banners option is where there are banners already created for you.

You can use these banners on your website or even social media.

My Notifications

When you click on the Notifications option, you will see a drop down menu of all the notifications for you.

It can be a message left on your blog post. Or an answer to a question you have asked.

These notifications are useful as the site is very active. And there can be many messages, comments and answers for you.

This helps to narrow down to those that are specially for you.

Direct Messages

The Messages tool is like an email mailbox for you.

Premium and Premium Plus members can send and receive messages directly from other members.

This is private and for your eyes only.

The other tools like Ask a Question or Write a Blog are visible to all members at Wealthy Affiliate.

This tool is useful when you need to discuss specific topics with other members.

You can even use it to message the founders, Kyle and Carson. I know I do whenever I have a question about Wealthy Affiliate that I feel only they can answer.

The Messages tool

Account Details

When you click on your profile picture, you will see a dropdown of options to help you access and manage your account at Wealthy Affiliate.

This is useful when you need to see or edit your profile.

When you first join Wealthy Affiliate, you may have written a profile that is more suited as a newbie.

But as you progress, and become more experienced online entrepreneurs, you would like to update and reflect that experience in your profile.

There are also options to access your blog on Wealthy Affiliate, to see your Credit Dashboard, and other management tools like Account Settings.

What Do You Get With The Free Starter Membership?

After understanding all that you can get at Wealthy Affiliate, let me explain what each membership will get you.

There are three types of memberships.

Let’s begin with the Free Starter Membership.

It’s a great place to start and here is what you get from this Free Starter Membership:

Wealthy Affiliate Comparison Chart – See Starter column for the features and tools you will get

You read it right. With the Free Starter Membership, you get Access to Level 1 of Certified Online Entrepreneur course and Affiliate Bootcamp course. Totally Free. Plus, many features and tools to help you get started on your online business. Keen to join as Free Starter Member? Click on the ‘Get It Now!’ button in the box below now.

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

And Don’t Forget
When You Join (using the button above, plus you join as Premium or Premium Plus Member), I Will Be Your Mentor!

Bonus for all who sign up under Timotheus


When you join the above program as my referral, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

Is The Free Starter Package Enough?

Just like you, I too was unsure about Wealthy Affiliate when I first heard of it.

I was thankful there was the Starter Membership that is offered Free. It is always good to have a free trial. To try and test out a product before buying it.

Don’t you agree?

So, I did that. I joined as a Starter Member. And went through the training as well as see what else is offered if I upgrade to a Premium member.

I found the free training sufficient to get a taste of the level of training quality and support at Wealthy Affiliate. But it was not enough to continue and grow an online business.

Back in 2016, I needed full information on how to start and grow an affiliate marketing business.

To achieve that, I realized I needed to upgrade to the Premium membership. So, I did and here is what you will get when you become a Premium Member.

What Do You Get With The Premium Membership?

With the Premium membership, you get everything that I mentioned earlier.

All the training, classes, webinars, keyword research tool, affiliate program search tool and all the other business tools.

To be honest, it was quite a lot. And that is great!

I do encourage doing the training first. It will help you start your online business as well as explore the business tools available at Wealthy Affiliate.

Take a look at the Premium column in the image below to help you see all that you get at Wealthy Affiliate as a Premium Member.

Wealthy Affiliate Comparison Chart – See Premium column for the features and tools you will get

What Do You Get with The Premium Plus Membership?

When you join or upgrade as a Premium Plus member, you get everything a Premium member gets as well as the following (see image below).

I can see the benefits of the Premium Plus membership. There is a lot more powerful and useful features and tools.

But to be honest, I find that it will be useful for those who really need all those features.

Personally, I do not see I need it at this point of time. To me, the Premium package is good enough for now.

One of the reasons is that I only have a few business websites. Not 50.

This expanded number of websites that can be hosted on their server would serve those who have that many websites better.

Maybe even someone who is running an agency, and need to host clients’ sites?

So, unless you really want any, a few or all that this membership level provides, I suggest not now.

Having said all that, I am tempted by the 200+ Expert Classes, Jaaxy Enterprise, and the 1,000,000 Monthly Visits.

I mean, who wouldn’t want 1,000,000 monthly visits to their websites, right?

Traffic means potential sales.

And that Jaaxy Enterprise? That alone is $1,200 (for a year subscription) SAVINGS!

Refund Policy

There is no refund for any cancellation. The reason is stated on the FAQ section of their website.

According to what is written there, it is because of ‘the nature of a digital subscription’.

While there is no refund, you can go for the Free Starter membership first.

It is good enough for you to experience the first level of the Online Entrepreneur Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp courses.

Plus, you get to try some of the features and tools, too.

All this at no risk to you.

It’s free.

And even when you upgrade, the price is considered low compared to many training out there. And that becomes low risk for you, too.

What are the Pros of Wealthy Affiliate?

Starter Membership is Free, No Credit Card Required

It is good that they have a starter membership that is Free.

And you can get it without needing to give your credit card details.

Your credit card details are only necessary when you upgrade to Premium or Premium Plus.

Meanwhile, the Free Starter membership really helps you to get a taste of what Wealthy Affiliate can offer.

All that they offer was mentioned earlier in this video.

So don’t hesitate.

Get your Free Starter membership now.

Complete One-Stop Training

By now, you have seen the two core training that I have shown and explained in this video.

As you can see, the training is comprehensive.

Plus, with step by step guidance, it is easy to follow so that you can start and grow your online business.

Weekly Live Classes that Teach the Latest and Updated Information

In addition to the core training, there is the Weekly Live Classes.

These classes go beyond what you learn from the core training.

Also, because it is weekly and live, Wealthy Affiliate can include updated information and knowledge for you.

In the ever-changing digital landscape, it is vital to stay updated on the changes in digital marketing and online business topics.

It can mean the difference between success and failure of your online business.

Step by Step Lessons in Modular Format

As mentioned earlier, the lessons are delivered in a step by step format.

As such, it is easy for you to follow and create your online business, build a website, and promote your online business.

Extensive Learning Resources

There is plenty of learning resources.

Especially with the Premium Plus membership.

Go back to the part of the video where you see all the extra powerful training and business and marketing tools that you can get with the Premium Plus membership.

Powerful Keyword Research Tool – Jaaxy

I have tried many keyword research tools and Jaaxy is the one that has helped me get my website and web pages on the first pages of search results.

This has resulted in increased traffic to my websites.

As a result, I get lots of sales and revenue.

I believe Jaaxy can help you too.

Truly Develop an Online Income Stream

The training and business and marketing tools can really help you start and grow an online business.

Plus, you can monetize your website so that you can have a regular online income stream.

In today’s world, it is vital to create an additional income stream.

It can even be one that becomes your regular income source.

Access to Owners, Kyle and Carson

I have joined many programs and I can tell you this is a rarity.

To have access to the people who developed this program.

To get answers directly from them as they share their years of knowledge with you.

It is very rare.

Most training programs out there just give you the link to their training program.

With some, you never get access to the owners for help.

With some, they will charge you a high price to get coaching or help from the owners.

At Wealthy Affiliate, as a Premium or Premium Plus member, you get direct access to the owners who have more than 15 years of affiliate marketing experience.

No additional charge.

Many Useful Features and Tools

I’ve covered this extensively in this video.

By now, you should understand all the business and marketing tools available at Wealthy Affiliate.

Tools that can help you succeed with your online business.

Help and support from Huge Community of Experienced Entrepreneurs

This is one of the most valuable features at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate encourages a Pay-It-Forward culture.

As such, the community of hundreds of thousands of experienced online entrepreneurs are available and ready to help you when you need them

Just ask a question or anything you wish to clarify, and they will come rushing to give you answers.

The replies are almost immediate.

What are the Cons of Wealthy Affiliate?

Outdated Member Generated Content

Over the years, members contribute their knowledge by creating and uploading specific training of a skill or strategy.

This is really good.

But, the problem is that their training eventually becomes outdated.

An example is the above training about Google Search Console.

It is one of the top search results when I searched for training about Google Search Console.

As you can see, it was created in 2016 (indicated by red arrow).

In the digital world, 4 years is equivalent to 4 decades.

This is because things move very fast in this ever changing digital landscape.

Google Search Console has changed a lot since then.

And the console looks very different from the image in the training.

Wealthy Affiliate does a poor job of keeping the member generated content away from the eyes of other members.

Especially new members.

If a newbie is not sharp enough to notice the date when the training was created, he or she may walk away thinking a valuable lesson about internet marketing was acquired.

Or if a member tries to follow the training, and finds the dashboard very different from the image of the dashboard shown in the training.

It can be confusing.

I know because it happened to me before.

When you join as my referral, you can always check with me if you ever wonder if a particular training is updated or not.

I am a digital marketing lecturer.

And I am constantly keeping myself updated with the latest in this ever-changing digital landscape.

Outdated Training – see date indicated by red arrow

Premium Plus – Not For Beginners

If you are a beginner, do take note.

Premium Plus is not for you.

As a beginner, I highly recommend you get the Free Starter membership or the Premium membership.

The Free Starter is good to gauge if this program is for you.

There is Free Training to help you do that.

Wealthy Affiliate Ambassador

This is something like a badge of honor when a member contributes much to the site.

But, there are no perks being an ambassador.

I know because I did my best to become one, just to see what benefits I would get. There were none.

My advice to anyone who joins Wealthy Affiliate – do not waste too much time on this.

Focus on what you joined the platform for; i.e. to learn digital marketing or to own a successful online business, or both.

Referrer Goes Missing

It happens.

There are members who promote Wealthy Affiliate.

After a referral joins, they go missing.

Maybe they think that the training provided is enough, and it is.

But, it would be nice to get a little hand holding, right?

I mean that was what happened to me.

After I joined, I received a welcome email from my referee.

After that, I never heard from him.

I was left to swim in deep waters on my own.

Fortunately, I have over 20 years of digital marketing experience.

And my goal was to pick up how to do affiliate marketing.

I zoomed in on that, and was well on my way.

But, I often thought of others who might not be as adept as I am.

And that is why I wanted to be different from other referees.

My promise to all my referrals is that I am there for you.

I will become your mentor.

I will use my knowledge and experience to help all my referrals.

And I will be there to guide each of you every step of the way to achieve your goal.

Bonus for all who sign up under Timotheus

You Get My Bonus!

When you join the above program as my referral, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Price?

At $497 per year, it is definitely worth it! That’s like around $1.36 cents a day! Such low cost for so much value!

You can join the Free Starter Package with just your email. No credit card needed for this Free Starter Package.

There is some free training as well as really powerful tools and features to help you do digital marketing for your online business.

And Don’t Forget

When You Join (using the button above), I Am Your Mentor!

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

And Don’t Forget
When You Join (using the button above, plus you join as Premium or Premium Plus Member), I Will Be Your Mentor!

Bonus for all who sign up under Timotheus


When you join the above program as my referral, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

Can You Make Money from Affiliate Marketing?

And now, the golden question. And the answer is – YES.

But it depends on you, your niche, your product, and the hard work you put in. You promote products on your blog or website. And when people buy them, you earn a commission.

And it can happen when you are sleeping. Seriously. It happens to me. I would wake up, and I would see an email congratulating me for earning some commissions over night.

See screen shot of email as proof. And that is just one of the many emails I receive in a night.

Remember this is not the only amount received in a month. Imagine receiving $227 (or more!) every day!

But Let Me Be Real

This is not a get rich quick scheme.

Many Wealthy Affiliate members, including me, put in many hours of hard work.

It is a business.

 And like any business, you need to put in the hours, and work hard.

The good news is: anyone can make money with affiliate marketing.

Many are learning how to do affiliate marketing correctly from Wealthy Affiliate, and have become successful online business people.

You can too!

Here are some testimonials to elaborate this point.


Many have succeeded with Wealthy Affiliate. Including me.

Here are some of the screen shots of their testimonials.

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?

The formula is simple.

1. Join Wealthy Affiliate.

2. Go Yearly Premium as a member.

3. Follow the training.

4. Learn how to do affiliate marketing right.

Affiliate marketing requires you to know how to find the right niche, the right affiliate product, and how to do affiliate marketing so that you can make money online.

Be patient.

You will be rewarded.

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

Don’t Forget! After You Join, I Am Your Mentor!

Bonus for all who sign up under Timotheus


When you join the above program as my referral, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

Wealthy Affiliate – An Honest Review 2023

Timotheus Final Word

Verdict: Legit

We’ve come to near the end of this review of the Wealthy Affiliate.

Here, I am sure you are wondering if you should join Wealthy Affiliate.

And I am here to tell you that I recommend you do.

Whether you are new and starting an online business or an experienced entrepreneur, you should give this platform a try.

Please do note that I am here just to educate you on an option to consider.

Try it out, just like I did.

And see if it helps you.

It’s Free anyway.

Give it a go.

There’s nothing to lose since it is Free.

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

Don’t Forget! After You Join, I Am Your Mentor!

Bonus for all who sign up under Timotheus


When you join the above program as my referral, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

All right, that is pretty much my review of Wealthy Affiliate.

Thank you so much for reading my Wealthy Affiliate review blog post.

If you do have any other further questions in terms of Wealthy Affiliate, feel free to leave them in the comments box below, and I’ll be happy to answer them.

I hope you found it helpful.

I look forward to sharing more training and reviews with you.

And I wish everyone immense wealth and success.

Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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