Move Web Hosting from SiteGround to Wealthy Affiliate and Save More Than $1000!

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Hi everyone! I had hosted my websites on SiteGround for years. Just a few days ago, I Moved the Web Hosting from SiteGround to Wealthy Affiliate.

And in effect, I Saved my business more than $1000!

So, What happened? How did I save more than $1000? Why did I decide on this move? What other reasons did I have for changing web hosting providers? What are the Benefits?

Continue reading to find out all the answers.

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High Web Hosting Costs at SiteGround

I have been hosting my websites on SiteGround for years. It was a paid subscription. The hosting service costs me around $480 (USD) per year.

Back then, I needed a good web hosting service. To me, back then Siteground was really good. So, I didn’t mind paying for it.

But it’s still cost, you know? Every year, I’ll look for cheaper alternatives. To save costs. After all, I’m running businesses. And any additional or unnecessary costs are not ideal.

Web Hosting Costs Included in Wealthy Affiliate Membership

After I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I realised that the platform has a hosting service included in my membership. That’s right!

Initially, I joined for the really outstanding courses and live classes as well as the excellent support. After I joined, I found out that the membership fee includes web hosting service. For up to 10 websites!

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting’s Powerful Features

And the service includes really powerful tools and features to help you create websites that can rank well on Google and other search engines. For example, your websites will benefit from fast site speed, which is one of the Google ranking factors.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting – Fast Site Speed

They have an efficient redundancy to uptime that is unparalleled in the industry. This means that if ever, touch wood, any of your websites is down, they have a mirror of your website running at all times. As such, they can swap this copy quickly.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting – Efficiency Redundancy

Security is superb such that they are able to prevent hacking or spam before it happens. Plus, several more layers of security to keep your websites secure.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting – Superb Security

Of course, your websites are backed up regularly, too.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting – Regular Backup

All that, plus more features that you can see here; such as Free SSL, DDos Protection, Image Optimization, and more!

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting – More Features

Here’s how the Web hosting service on Wealthy Affiliate compares to some other web hosting services.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting – Compared to Other Hosting Providers

How Did I Save $1000 with Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting?

Looks awesome doesn’t it?

And here’s the best part – the cost!

The web hosting service is included in the membership fee! You heard me right. There’s no additional cost!

Let’s do the maths. With SiteGround, I must pay around $480 a year. That is around $40 per month.

For a 3 year subscription, it costs more than $1000! And that’s just for web hosting services only.

With Wealthy Affiliate, for the premium membership, I pay $299 a year. Already it is so much cheaper than SiteGround’s $480 a year. And at Wealthy Affiliate, I don’t just get web hosting.

I get 2 core training that helps me start and grow an online business.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting – More Features

Plus live classes that teach you beyond the core lessons as well as keep you updated on the latest digital marketing strategies to keep your business growing and getting more successful.

The membership also includes really awesome support as well as research tools for keyword research, and find affiliate programs.

The subscription with SiteGround is ending in January 2022. What do you think I’ll do?

Would you like to learn how to start and grow an affiliate marketing business? Join my I Love Passive Income community for more tips and useful business information. Simply fill in the details below, and you will receive an email with instructions on how to join this invaluable community.

Move Web Hosting from SiteGround to Wealthy Affiliate and Save More Than $1000!

Timotheus Final Thoughts

I’m happy with what their web hosting service provides. And excited to see some features that can help improve my websites.

I’ve already done it. I’ve already moved my websites to Wealthy Affiliate.

My #1 Recommendation

You should join Wealthy Affiliate, too! Get all the courses, live classes, powerful web hosting, business and marketing tools at an affordable price.

Click on the blue button below to try it out. You can start with a Free Starter membership.

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training on starting and growing an online business as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

You Get My Bonus!

When you join the above program, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

Do you have any questions about how I Moved Web Hosting from SiteGround to Wealthy Affiliate and Saved More Than $1000? Let me know in the comments below

I will continue to publish new blog posts about making money online every Friday. And will do my best to upload blog posts about business and digital marketing every Wednesday.

Remember to join my I Love Passive Income community to get updated when I publish them.

I wish everyone great wealth and success.

Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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