Day #3 of #8 – Radiotherapy Treatment – Loss of Appetite

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Radiotherapy Side Effect – Loss of Appetite


Radiotherapy & operation side effect – loss of appetite #cancer #cancerawareness #cancerfighter #healingfromcancer

♬ original sound – Timotheus Lee – Timotheus Lee

Ever since the stoma surgery, my appetite has not been good. Delicious foods and dishes in Singapore that I used to enjoy tasted different. A few bites, and I would lose my appetite eating them.

Nurses and friends have shared with me that people they know who went through radiotherapy and, or chemotherapy found the food they ate were either tasteless, or had some strange taste. Some reported a metallic taste to the food.

For me, it was the opposite of tasteless food. For some reason, the foods and dishes tasted overwhelming. Some spice or flavor used to create the food or dish would overpower the rest of the flavor or taste. And it would become unpalatable to me.

For example, there is a local dish called mee siam. I tried to have it for breakfast. But, just 2 bites, and I gave up.

I would end up eating mostly fruits, nuts, biscuits, and other light snacks.

One of the concern would be my body weight. I lost a lot of weight after the stoma surgery.

I used to weigh slightly over 90 kg. After the surgery, I was shocked to find out that I weighed 67 kg.

Lack of Sleep and Rest

Also, ever since the stoma surgery, I had not been able to get much sleep and rest.

I would go to bed around 8 pm. And suddenly wake around 11 pm. Sometimes, when I am lucky, it would be a later hour. For example, 2 am.

But, the point is that I would wake and would not be able to get back to sleep.

My brother said that part of the reason could be due to old age. He said that as we age, we sleep less. Even he has the same problem I was facing. That is, waking up, and not able to get back to sleep.

And, as such, people like us are getting less rest. Are you facing the same problem?

Coming back to the 3rd day of radiotherapy, I was able to rest most of the morning. So, it was all right as it did, in a sense, help the tiredness.

In fact, on this 3rd day, I was able to have some short naps.

Time for Transport to Radiotherapy Treatment

Eventually, the morning passed, and it was coming to the time when the transport would pick me up, and bring me to the radiotherapy clinic. The scheduled pick up time was 12.40 pm.

So, I started to get ready from 12 pm. I had a light lunch, or as much food as I can manage.

Then at 12.40 pm, I made my way to the car park area downstairs my home, to wait for the transport.

I am so grateful for the transport that takes me to the radiotherapy clinic.

Radio Therapists Were Cold

Today, the radio therapists seemed to be a little cold. That is, cold in the way they treated patients like me.

In the past, they used to greet patients, and were warm, friendly and patient.

Today, they were all business like. And were not very careful or caring towards their patients, for example me.

For example, when I was in the radiotherapy machine bed for the previous days, they made sure the blanket covered me well.

The air conditioning in the room was very cold. So, any part of my body that was exposed would suffer the cold for the 15 minutes or so radiotherapy treatment.

On this 3rd day, the radio therapists did not bother to cover me well. The left side of my body was exposed.

So throughout the treatment, I was feeling cold.

But that’s OK. I told myself that it was only going to be about 10 to 15 minutes. And all would be done.

So, I tolerated the cold, and kept hoping the treatment would end soon.

Returning Home from Treatment

After the treatment, I made my way back to the pick up area for the transport.

The timing actually was quite good.

After the treatment, I had only about half an hour before the transport would arrive, and take me home.

I had a feeling I’ll get good rest again once I’m home. And I indeed did.

If you have ANY questions about this post, ANY at all, please submit your questions as comments below. I will be happy to help you out.

Wishing you good health and wealth.


Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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