Founder Fly Review – Scam or Legit?

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Founder Fly Review

I love to teach. And two topics that I love teaching are digital marketing and how to make money online.

As part of my research for my courses, I look at other online courses, and see if they have any added value for my students. Then I share the information like in this article – Founder Fly Review – Scam or Legit?

You can learn if Founder Fly is a good course and suitable for you. What is Founder Fly? Who is the owner? What the course is all about?

And more importantly, what are the pros and cons of this online course? At the end of this review, I will share my take on this program.

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Founder Fly Review – Scam or Legit? – The Overview

Name: Founder Fly

Owner: Ryan Lee

Website URL: www.founderfly .com

Price: $19.95 a month with a 3-day free trial for $1

Founder Fly Review – Scam or Legit?

Review Author Name: Timotheus



Founder Fly is a website that offers online training. As a member, you will learn how to build and grow an online business. Read my review before you make any decision to buy.


What is Founder Fly?

When you visit Founder Fly website, you can see a bold proclamation at the top of the site. It says, “World’s first all-access network for lifestyle entrepreneurs”. And when you see the home page, you will know why.

Founder Fly is a program that offers online training on their website. To access it, you will need to be a member.

The lessons on the site teaches you all about starting an online business as well as how to grow and scale that business. The latter is achieved by various marketing strategies.

This sounds familiar so far. There are many other programs that offers the same training. These would be Founder Fly’s competitors such as Niche Profit Classroom, Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate.

So, how is Founder Fly different from the competition? Let’s continue and discuss this more.

Who Owns Founder Fly?

Founder Fly is owned by Adam Short. He started as a gym teacher. Then tried online businesses. And now is a successful online entrepreneur.

He created Founder Fly to share all that he learned, and other training resources. The program was also designed by him to enable online entrepreneurs to connect and share experience and knowledge.

To his credit, he now owns businesses that generate 7-figures a month.

What Are The Packages & Prices For Founder Fly?

Founder Fly costs $19.95 a month. You can start with a three-day free trial for $1.

There is also a 60-day money back guarantee. If you cancel within these 60 days, you pay nothing, you can get a refund.

After the 60 days, if you wish to cancel the membership, you can do so. There is no refund though.

Who Is Founder Fly For?

  • You are new to making money online, and would like to learn how to start and grown an online business
  • You own an online business and would like to learn more marketing strategies to scale and grow it
  • You would like to learn the basics of digital marketing
  • You are an experienced digital marketer, and would like to learn more

What Are The Prerequisites For Founder Fly?

There are really no prerequisites. But, if there are any, it would be to at least have a computer and laptop. And know how to use it to surf the Internet, and watch online videos.

Also, have the budget to pay for the monthly rate.

What Do You Get With Founder Fly?

You get:

  • Around 30 training courses in video and PDF format
  • The training is designed to help you build and grow an online business
  • Tools to assist you in your online endeavor

Here are the lessons that you will get:

  • Stay Fresh (weekly videos and updates on IM industry)
  • Nano Continuity (online marketing training)
  • How to Systemize Your Business (online marketing training)
  • The Premium Pricing Formula (online marketing training)
  • Free Grassroots Traffic
  • The Host Model
  • How To Attract Super-Affiliates
  • The Ultimate Guide To FB Ads
  • The Best of the Recurring Revenue
  • Mobile Marketing Unleashed
  • One-Day Membership Site
  • How To Create Your Own Newsletter
  • The Information Marketing Blueprint
  • The Video Sales-Letter Formula
  • How to Keep Your Members
  • Small Site Banner Buys
  • Press Send Get Paid
  • Personality Marketing
  • How to Sel-Publish Your Own eBooks
  • The 18K Members Roadmap
  • Multiple Streams of Income
  • PPC Advertising Made Simple
  • Free Social Media Traffic
  • The Millionaire Blogger
  • 9 Rules For Marketing Rockstars
  • List Building on a Budget
  • Super Fans
  • How to Create Big-Ticket Products
  • How to Start Your Own Association
  • How to Become a High-Priced Coach
  • How to Get More Subscribers
  • 31 Continuity Income Models
  • How They Did It
  • How To Build a Profitable Membership Site
  • Make More By Working Less

Nano Continuity

This is a small membership site or continuity program. You can bring in more members, have a better retention rate, and create a revenue stream.

How to Systematize Your Business

This is a video training from their live sell-out workshop.

Founder Fly Training Products

The Premium Pricing Formula

This video training shows you how one entrepreneur positioned her business in a very crowded market, and she is dominating it with higher prices.

Free Grassroots Traffic

Watch this video and learn how to get tens of thousands of Free traffic to your business website.

The Host Model

You do not have to be an expert. You can be a host, and interview other experts. This can be your business model.

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising

Learn how to set up a Facebook ad campaign, and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Recurring Revenue Report

Archived issues of newsletters focused on recurring income. You get the scoop on running coaching programs, membership sites, micro-continuity programs, and more.

Mobile Marketing Unleashed

Get an in-depth look at how mobile marketing works, and how to get more visitors to your website.

One Day Membership

Actual breakdown of how to create a membership website. All in a day.

Stay Fresh

Weekly training. Each 10 minutes or less. To keep you updated on the cutting edge of business and marketing.

How to Create Your Own Newsletter Co-op

Powerful method to bring people in a niche market to co-create newsletters.

Founder Fly The Training Products

The Information Marketing Blueprint

Get the full scoop on all the possible ways to turn your passion into profits.

The Video Sales Letter Formula

How to create your own video sales letters.

Small Site Banner Buys

Buy ads on small sites to get more traffic.

Press Send Get Paid

Simple method to create an email marketing program that is profitable.

ePublishing In a Box

Learn how to create digital products.

The 18,000 Member Roadmap

Learn from an experienced entrepreneur how to launch a membership site that brought in 18,000 member in 1 week.

Multiple Streams of Continuity Income

Learn from an entrepreneur who has created multiple continuity income streams.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Learn how to do paid ads.

Founder Fly The Training Products

Free Social Media Traffic

Learn how to be on social media and use it to get free traffic to your website.

The Millionaire Blogger

You can make money blogging. And a blogger earning 7 figures shows you how.

9 Rules for Marketing Rock Stars

9 steps to dominate your market and become a rock star in your niche.

List Building on a Budget

List is essential for the success of a business. Learn how to create one within your budget.

How to Start Your Own Association

Setting up your own association is easier than you think. Let an entrepreneur show you how.

How to Become a High-Priced Coach

Wanna be a high-priced coach? You can. Watch this training to see how.

Founder Fly The Training Products

How to Get More Subscribers

Learn how to create an irresistible lead magnet.

31 Continuity Income Models

31 proven models that you can emulate for your niche market.

How They Did It (Case Studies)

Follow the footsteps of successful people.

How To Build a Profitable Membership Site

Paid membership sites can earn you regular monthly income. Learn how.

Make More by Working Less

See the productivity system of one of the world’s most prolific entrepreneurs. And discover how to be super productive.


From what I researched, Founder Fly has a very helpful online community. The people are like-minded entrepreneurs. And the community is active and vibrant.

It is very important to join a program where there is good support. My own experience can confirm that this is immensely valuable.

Whether you are a newbie or expert, there will come a time when you have questions or encounter problems. A helpful community with experience will lower the learning curve for you.

What are the Pros of Founder Fly?

  • A lot of information provided
  • Suitable for beginners
  • Price is affordable
  • 60 days money back guarantee
  • No sales hype
  • No upsells
  • Helpful community of online entrepreneurs

What are the Cons of Founder Fly?

  • Not structured
  • No step by step process to learn
  • Some material might be outdated
  • Not suitable for more experienced marketers or online business people
  • Lack of mentorship (BUT when you join my #1 Recommendation as my referral, I will be your mentor)

What are the Problems with Founder Fly?

RED FLAG! – Lack of Structure

The topics covered are quite wide. And there are many lessons. BUT the curriculum lacks structure.

I am a lecturer. And from my experience, from what I see, a lack of structure can make it difficult for the learner.

RED FLAG! – Outdated Training

I have read from some members that they found some of the training outdated. To me, this is really not good.

In every class that I teach, I always mention to all my students that the digital landscape is always changing. And when we learn digital marketing or online business training, it must be updated.

If not, then the student will graduate with outdated knowledge. And will be ill prepared for success.

This is why before every course that I teach, I would be busy reviewing the lessons. And I have always found that there would be many parts that would need to be updated.

RED FLAG! – Not for the Experienced

Another area that some members are unhappy with is that this program is more suited for the newbies. Great for beginners. But those who are more experienced would be advised to look elsewhere.

Would you like to learn how to start and grow an affiliate marketing business? Join my I Love Passive Income community for more tips and useful business information. Simply fill in the details below, and you will receive an email with instructions on how to join this invaluable community.

Founder Fly Review – Scam or Legit?

Timotheus Final Thoughts


This is definitely a legit training program. There are many lessons. And they are useful and helpful for those who wish to learn how to start and grow an online business.

One of the things I found out from the members is that there are no upsells. And that is to Ryan’s credit to keep the program that way.

Upsells can be annoying. Often, people would prefer everything to be bundled in one price. So, having no upsells is truly a good point for Founder Fly.

The other plus point I like about Founder Fly is the low monthly rate. This is very attractive. So much to learn at such a low price. And there is superb support from the community, too!

So, if you are all right with the unstructured way the lessons are presented, and the price is within your budget, then do get this training program.

But if you prefer lessons that are more organized, constantly updated, more training and many successful graduates, then I suggest go for my #1 Recommendation. There is a free trial for you to experience the first few lessons.

My #1 Recommendation
Get your Free Starter account Now!

Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training on starting and growing an online business as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

You Get My Bonus!

When you join the above program, I will be your mentor. I will guide you, help you succeed as an online entrepreneur, and make money.

If you have ANY questions, or anything to clarify, please drop a comment below. I will be happy to help you.

I wish everyone great wealth and success.

Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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