How to Make Money with TikTok – 15 Second Free Leads TikTok Training

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I am sure many of you have heard of TikTok. Few months back, I joined the platform. But I was not sure what to do to gain followers. Even more clueless on how to get leads and sales for my online business.

Then I found this TikTok training – 15 Second Free Leads. Let’s talk about this today – How to Make Money with TikTok – 15 Second Free Leads TikTok Training.

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Watch: How to Make Money with TikTok – 15 Second Free Leads TikTok Training – The Video

I made a video about this 15 Second Free Leads training. If you prefer to watch videos, simply click on the play button below.

I hope you enjoy watching the video. And please remember to subscribe to the channel as well as like the video, too!

Or if you prefer to Read, continue from here.

15 Second Free Leads Testimonials

So, I found this course. It’s only $1. And many say it works! Here are some testimonials.

15 Second Free Leads Testimonial by Linda Bomba
15 Second Free Leads Testimonial by Barry Masterson
15 Second Free Leads Testimonial by Tony Newton
15 Second Free Leads Testimonial by Shaz Ali
15 Second Free Leads Testimonial by Adam Dukes
15 Second Free Leads Testimonial by Sophie Sion Byde

The value of the course is actually $197. But now, you can get it for only $1. If you are interested, click on the image below.

15 Second Free Leads – TikTok Training

I always say to my readers, students and mentees that it is always good to learn more. Also, I am a believer of lifelong learning.

In this digital marketing sphere, there is always something new. It could be a new app, a new marketing platform, or even a new way to promote your business.

And things in the digital marketing world are always changing rapidly. As such, it is good to keep updated. And use the latest strategies.

TikTok is one of the latest platforms. It is not just a place to have fun or watch fun videos. It is also a channel to promote your business.

So, for me, as I mentioned at the start of this blog post, I want to get help on how to get more views on TikTok. And with more views, I would like to get more leads. And eventually more sales and revenue.

Can this training help me achieve all that?

What is TikTok?

I am sure most of you know what is TikTok. But just in case there are those of you who are just discovering TikTok, here is a bit of information.

TikTok is a video social sharing network that launched in 2017. The concept is that you can create and share videos that are usually 15 seconds long.

But there are some videos that are a little longer. These can be up to 60 seconds in length.

What Is The 15 Second Free Leads TikTok Training?

According to what I see, it is an online course to generate free leads on TikTok.

And that’s great! That’s what I want.

And here are the lessons you and I will get.

Lesson 1 – Endless 15-Second Video Topics

Lesson 1 teaches you how to find endless ideas for content. I find this subject very useful.

Many times, like many of you, I find I may run out of ideas on what to write and what videos to do. So, it is good to get unlimited ideas to create lots of content.

The trainer for this lesson is Jake Thornhill. He is a full-time Youth Pastor. Before that, he traded penny stocks right out of college and even sold sneakers online. Today, he is having amazing newfound success online with the 15 Second Free Leads formula.

Jake will show you how to create a never-ending vault of content ideas that will ensure an endless flow of free traffic into your business. Plus, he gives 7 simple steps that are easy to follow and execute.

Jake Thornhill

Lesson 2 – The Perfect TikTok Profile

In lesson 2, the trainer Matt Steinman teaches you how to create the perfect business profile for TikTok. Hmmmmm … I don’t know about perfect. But maybe it is good enough to attract people to follow?

By the way, Matt is a full-time online marketing vet. So, you know he will have many helpful tips and strategies that can help you create that perfect TikTok profile.

Matt Steinman

Lesson 3 – Get TikTok To Share Your Videos

Jonathan Montoya is next. He was an engineer. And has since quit his full time job due to online success using the 15 Second Free Leads formula. He is now able to spend time with his wife and baby daughter.

And he explains how to create videos on TikTok that are shareable. Well, to be honest, all TikTok videos are shareable. I think what this lesson is about is to create a video that people want to share?

This is implied from what I read, that Jonathan will teach about the Batch Theory. It is a point system that TikTok uses to get your videos shared.

And there’s also the Hashtag Step Method. This is to get your videos seen more by your potential customers.

Not sure if you know about Hashtag? But it is a very effective way to get your content noticed by people.

For example, in Twitter and Instagram. Hashtags are a way to get your content noticed there by people. With a hashtag in your post, you can get noticed by those who follow you, and those who are yet to follow.

Jonathan Montoya

Lesson 4 – Post Exactly What People Want

Dom Bavaro has generated over 1,000+ followers. And made 5 affiliate sales within the first 2 weeks of opening his account.

He gives you his strategies on how to post videos that people would want to watch. Ok, this sounds good. I too would like to know what kind of videos people want to watch. As such, I may consider doing them.

Dom Bavaro

Bonus: A Quick & Dirty Guide To TikTok

This is also sometimes referred to as Lesson 5. But is often seen as a Bonus!

You get an entire walkthrough of TikTok to get things up and running. It is ideal for those who have no idea what TikTok is all about, and need a guiding hand, step by step on what to do.

The training is by Matt, a Chief Marketing Officer of Legendary Marketer. They are the creators of this course.

How Much Does This Course Cost?

The 15 Second Free Leads course only costs $1!

As you can see from the curriculum, it covers quite a lot of subjects. And has very useful and effective lessons. So, the value of this course is actually $197.

But now, you can get it for only $1!

So, I am going to get it. You should get it too! So, let’s get it and try!

Click on the image below to have the training that can help you increase viewers and followers. And also, acquire leads and sales.

15 Second Free Leads – TikTok Training

Additional Free Bonuses

Currently, this offer includes the following bonuses:

  • 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge (Value – $297)
  • Personal 1-on-1 Business Plan Consultation (Value – $97)
  • Facebook Ads Templates (Value – $47)
  • High-Ticket Email Templates (Value – $67)
  • High-Ticket Video Scripts (Value – $67)
  • High-Ticket Phone Scripts (Value – $67)

Total Value – Over $839 in Training and Free Bonuses!

This is a ton of value at low risk entry price point! Get this training now!

Please Take Note: The price of this course and the additional bonuses may change at the discretion of Legendary Marketer. So, do get it now before it gets more expensive, or the bonuses disappear.

Who Is 15 Second Free Leads For?

  • You would like to learn how to use TikTok, either for leisure or business
  • You would like to get lots of views and followers on TikTok
  • You are an entrepreneur, and you would like to get leads that you can convert into sales and revenue.

What Are The Prerequisites For 15 Second Free Leads?

You will need the following:

  • A smartphone
  • A computer or laptop – if you intend to edit your videos on these devices
  • Internet access

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How to Make Money with TikTok – 15 Second Free Leads TikTok Training

Timotheus Final Thoughts

When I started TikTok, I knew it would not be easy to get views and followers. Not to mention leads and sales.

How should I create my profile that will capture the audience attention, and get them to follow or click on the links? What kind of videos should I do? And how often?

Then there is the worry that my videos will be boring. And will not make it. On top of all that, I am actually quite shy. Sure, I teach classes in the universities and education institutions. But, that is quite different from putting my face in a video.

How do I overcome all that? How do I do TikTok with a little more confidence?

That is why it is good to get this course. Everyone needs help. Including me. At $1, it is very it is very low cost and low risk entry point.

What Do I Recommend?

15 Second Free Leads – Product Rating

From what is evident so far, this training is quite good. It is worth getting. And only costs $1!

Product Name: 15 Second Free Leads

Website URL: 15 Second Free Leads

Price: $1 only (one time payment)

Get 15 Second Free Leads The TikTok Training Now. Click on the image below.

15 Second Free Leads – TikTok Training

I plan to get this course, and give it a try. After some time, I will write a review with what I have experienced so far. Do join my I Love Passive Income Community to get updates when I publish my blog posts.

If you have ANY questions, or anything to clarify, please drop a comment below. I will be happy to help you.

I wish everyone great wealth and success.

Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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