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Expedition Agape – SEO Project

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Project: SEO

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Client: Expedition Agape

Expedition Agape is a charity organization in Singapore, with working adult volunteers mentoring teenagers in challenging life circumstances, making a difference to local and overseas communities in need.

Country: Singapore

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Challenges Faced by Expedition Agape

Expedition Agape came to us with a problem. Their website was not ranked on first page of google or any other search engines. As such, they had very little Online Visibility.

This affected them because they relied on acquiring new volunteers for their leadership program. It is a six-month program that requires travel for a couple of weeks.

There were existing volunteers who could join them for every trip. But not all volunteers have that luxury. Hence, the need to constantly recruit new volunteers.

In addition, because Expedition Agape is a volunteer-driven charity, they needed to raise funds via fundraising events or corporate sponsorship. With low brand awareness and reach, this was an uphill task for them.

The challenge given was to rank the Expedition Agape website on the First Page of search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing thereby increasing brand awareness and driving more traffic to the website.

Solution for Expedition Agape

After extensive discussion and long meetings with the founders of Expedition Agape, we understand that while they would like an increase in brand awareness, and more volunteers, there is a need to have it in moderation.

This is because, as mentioned above, they are a volunteer-driven charity organization. Even the founders are doing it on a volunteer basis.

The concern was that if there were too many inquiries, they may find it hard to cope with attending to all of them.

With that in mind, we sought for a long-tailed keyword phrase that would have sufficient traffic.

Not too many so that they get overwhelmed. Just nice to get enough new blood to the organization.

We did extensive research, and found the ideal keywords for them.

Digital Marketing Consultant Singapore - Portfolio - SEO - Keyword Research for Ideal Keywords to Rank

The traffic may not look like a lot. But bear in mind that this was long-tailed keyword. Plus, it was low hanging fruit keyword. So this made the phrase an ideal candidate.

Also, studies have found that long-tailed keywords convert better.

This was because people who used this term usually were very sure of what they were looking for. They were not simply browsing.

With that in mind, we started to apply On Page SEO and Off Page SEO to the Expedition Agape website.


Within a month, we ranked their website on First Page of Google. Till today, they have remained on that page. Check out the keyword phrase – Charity Events in Singapore – and you will see them on that first page.

Digital Marketing Consultant Singapore - Portfolio - SEO - Expedition Agape Website Ranked on 1st Page of Google
Click Image for Full Page View

After they have reached First Page, the founders gave us feedback that they have received more inquiries that converted to new volunteers.

A check on Google Analytics also discovered that more traffic was driven to their website. There was an increase by 383%.

We have achieved the increase in brand awareness as well as increasing their volunteers at a rate they are comfortable with. 

Even, the teenagers who needed help learned about Expedition Agape, and reached out for help.

Over the months, the awareness of Expedition Agape has grown exponentially. We now see a regular and dedicated volunteer team with constant new referrals. Our Expedition Agape Facebook Page has also increased in likes, more than tripling from the original number of likes of 500 to more than 1,500. Through enhanced search engine optimization, we see more targeted as well as expanded outreach of our work to online netizens.

Serene Koh

Founder, Expedition Agape

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