On Page SEO – Mobile SEO – 12th of 12 Techniques That Work | Episode 15 | Digital Marketing 101

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Hi Everyone! This is the 15th episode of Digital Marketing 101 series. And it is about 12 On Page SEO techniques. I am presenting each of these techniques as individual blog posts. This is the 12th of the 12 techniques is about Mobile SEO.

What is Mobile SEO? How to do powerful and effective Mobile SEO? Let’s discuss in this blog post.

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Watch: On Page SEO – Mobile SEO – 12th of 12 Techniques That Work | Episode 15 | Digital Marketing 101

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What is Mobile SEO?

Today, optimizing for mobile search is critical. You should optimize your website for mobile search by making it mobile friendly with Mobile SEO.

Google deemed mobile searches as so important that they initiated the mobile first index in 2018. Today, Google favors mobile search.

So it is important to make sure your website is mobile friendly. And you do it by dong Mobile SEO.

How to do Powerful and Effective Mobile SEO?

Check Website Mobile Friendliness

Do the Google Mobile Friendly Test. It will give you a report to help you find out if your web pages are optimized for mobile searches.

And also provide you recommendations on how to improve and optimize your website for mobile.

Choose a Responsive Design

Google has stated that responsive design is their preferred option. Choose a responsive design that also provides mobile friendly features.

Responsive design will help the browser to identify the screen size your visitor is using. And adjust the content on your pages according to the screen size. This makes your content easier to view on mobile devices.

Scale Your Images

Make sure your images are scaled when viewed on mobile. A responsive theme usually would be able to do that for you automatically. But do not assume.

I used a theme where it scaled my images. Then one day I noticed some images were not scaled correctly. Needless to say, I looked for a better theme.

Optimized Navigation

On mobile, the screen is smaller than a desktop. As such, you need to optimize your navigation. To make it easy to view and easily clickable.

Keep it simple and clean so that your visitors find it easy to use. Limit the links to main pages up to 8.

If you need more than 8, then try a hamburger menu.

Space Out Buttons

Mobile phones have touch screens. And when buttons are too small or too closely positioned to each other, it can make it difficult for a visitor to click on it. Or even click on the right option.

Make sure your buttons are of optimal size and there is enough spacing between buttons to help the visitor choose and click on the right button of choice.

Also, take note – do not make buttons too large. This can lead to accidental clicking and can annoy your visitors.

Make CTA Above The Fold

You have a CTA – Call to Action – where you would like the visitor to take action. For example, join your mailing list or buy your product.

But the button in the CTA is not shown within 1 screen. The user has to scroll down to find the button and click on it.

Do not do this. Keep the button of the CTA in clear view within 1 screen.

Careful with Popups

I find many people have a negative sentiment towards popups. Especially those that suddenly appear and block most of a mobile screen.

I am finding that this is not because popups are bad and should be avoided. It is more about applying best designs for popups.

Create them so that users have a clear option to remove it from view. Make sure the popup is designed well with an offer that people may be interested in.

Time the popup so that it does not intrude or interrupt immediately when a visitor arrives on your web page. Give it a bit of time.

For example, maybe show the popup after a few seconds, allowing the user time to read some of the content first. Or better still, show the popup only when a visitor is about to leave your page.

Fast Page Download

I discussed about optimizing Page Loading Speed in a previous video. Basically, you need to optimize your pages for fast download times.

When on mobile, people may not have time to wait a long time for your web page to load. Page Loading Speed is another SEO tactic you need to do for your SEO efforts. To learn more about it, click on the image below.

Be Voice Search Ready

Most voice searches are done on a mobile device. So, you need to make sure your web pages are optimized for voice searches. This includes using conversational keywords.

I spoke about this in the keywords and keyword research video click the link above to watch that video

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On Page SEO – Mobile SEO – 12th of 12 Techniques That Work | Episode 15 | Digital Marketing 101

Timotheus Final Thoughts

In recent times, mobile SEO has grown in significance. With current direction of technology, and the continued mass adoption of mobile devices, mobile SEO will continue to be relevant and important for your business.

Do use the tips given in this article to help your website and web pages get ranked on 1st page of search results. This will result in increased sales and revenue.

This episode is the last in this series about On Page SEO. Do you have any questions about Mobile SEO? Let me know in the comments.

I will continue to post articles about digital marketing on this website. If you like to get more digital marketing tips and info, remember to join my I Love Passive Income Community to get updated whenever I publish it.

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If you have ANY questions, or anything to clarify, please drop a comment below. I will be happy to help you.

I wish everyone great wealth and success.

Digital Marketer, Lecturer, Amazon Bestselling Author & Cancer Survivor

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